AI and Energy Impairment: Finding Purpose in a Digital World with Red Dwarf as a Guide

let's channel our inner Listers, Cats, Krytens, Rimmers, and Hollys and find meaning and purpose in this digital age, despite our energy impairment

Deep Fakes and Chronic Illness: dignity of risk or a slippery slope?

What does it mean to be human when creating a deep fake of ourself as someone living with chronic illness? Some thoughts and resources on deep faking and energy limiting chronic illness

Resource: Walking Problems

This post includes tips that may help you with walking and muscle problems. Topics covered include mitochondrial function (MitoQ, D-Ribose, AMPK activation), lactic acid, electrolyte balance, autonomic function, pacing and adapting. Please comment on what I've missed out.

I am POTS but what’s ME?

Topics touched on in this post: POTS vs ME symptoms; heart rate monitoring and exercise; exercise for POTS; post-exertional malaise; adrenal fatigue and POTS; diet and nutrition. This is a post which is more about asking for tips from you than offering tips. Please add POTS/ME based comments.

Resource: Quick Tips for Pacing

Quick Tips for Pacing. These may be new ideas to you or simply a reminder.

Review/Resource: Variations on Pacing

A post discussing different forms of Pacing and the difficulties involved.

Resource: Easy Haircare for the Chronically Ill

Blog post with tips on how to spend fewer spoons of energy on haircare, including a haircut in just one snip of the scissors. Also ideas on natural options which are good for people with multiple chemical sensitivity.

Resource: Homesharing for Pacing

Information about Homesharer Schemes - provide a free room and get around 10hrs a week support to stay in your own home.

The Enjoyment of Boredom

A reflection on the common spoonie experience of boredom.
"I was at the point where symptoms are no longer so loud as to drown out other concerns and the sensation of boredom was reaching a crescendo."

Severe Uncertainty: planning and ME

Today is Severe ME Day. My plan was to write a post about the Pomodoro TechniqueTM (as a form of pacing) this week. However, my experience last night has led me to change tack. Yesterday evening I got deeply upset, seemingly out of nowhere. It wasn't just a few tears running down my face, I … Continue reading Severe Uncertainty: planning and ME

Resource: TV Prescription Pacing, from Laughter to Boredom

This post is the 2nd in a series on pacing. Watching TV is likely to make up more of our day than meditating. It is therefore important to get viewing habits right.

This post is my TV prescription for you, in order of importance. It is based mainly on my own observations, although you could possibly find research to back up some of it.

If Seneca Had a Heart Rate Monitor

At the moment because I've got into modern stoicism at the same time as looking into heart rate monitor pacing I'm finding that I'm sort of amalgamating these two very different approaches.

Resource: The Anti-Exercise Fitness Regime

The basic idea is to avoid hitting your Anaerobic Threshold (AT) or raising your Morning Resting Heart Rate (MRHR) to avoid crashes and relapses. Initially this may mean doing less (it has for me).

Lathyrus Blogobsessio a weed that chokes pacing

“She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it).” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass Starting this site has given me a definite boost. BUT I sense something new growing which I'll call Lathyrus Blogobsessio.  If I didn't have ME this could be a prize winning plant … Continue reading Lathyrus Blogobsessio a weed that chokes pacing