AI and Passive Income: A Philosophical and Practical Guide for People Living with Chronic Illness, Starting with No Money

Passive income is income that requires little to no ongoing work to maintain. It doesn’t mean there’s no effort required, but the effort is chronologically separate from the timescale on which you receive income.

Keto AND Low Fodmap cooking? That could be a high tension competitive TV episode

Welcome to the world of "Keto AND Low Fodmap cooking"! It sounds like a difficult challenge in a high tension competitive TV episode, doesn't it? And for those of us living with energy limiting chronic illnesses such as ME and POTS, figuring out which dietary combinations work best for our bodies can feel just as intense. In this post, we'll explore the potential benefits of combining a ketogenic diet with a low FODMAP diet and how AI-assisted meal planning can make the process easier.

AI and Energy Impairment: Finding Purpose in a Digital World with Red Dwarf as a Guide

let's channel our inner Listers, Cats, Krytens, Rimmers, and Hollys and find meaning and purpose in this digital age, despite our energy impairment

Deep Fakes and Chronic Illness: dignity of risk or a slippery slope?

What does it mean to be human when creating a deep fake of ourself as someone living with chronic illness? Some thoughts and resources on deep faking and energy limiting chronic illness

Learning how to die

I will try to frame this in the sense of exploring how we process fear of death

Unknowing-Knowing: Epistemological Crisis in ME

An exploration of the crisis of not knowing which sources of information to trust.

Is CFS Real?

Is CFS "Real"?
Tongue-in-Cheek contemplation of the un/reality of CFS.

Review: Philosophy for Health, Modern Stoicism

Does an ancient philosophy have something new to offer folk experiencing chronic illness? A spoonie review of Modern Stoicism

Resource: A Day of Stoicism, Stoical ME 2

Stoic Guided Meditations to be used throughout the day.

Resource: Stoical ME, practical wisdom for adversity

I have curated an edited-down version of the Modern Stoicism course below which I think will be more accessible to our community. For example, I've organised mainly audio/video content.