Differentiating Post-Covid PVFS, existing ME and POTS

An attempt to pull apart my POTS, ME and post Covid symptoms

Learning how to die

I will try to frame this in the sense of exploring how we process fear of death

Resource: Home Hacking Blood Glucose

My home version of a study into blood glucose and personalised nutrition

Review: Can Post-Exertional Malaise make a Placebo Effect seem like a Nocebo?

Does Post-Exertional Malaise lead to unusual Placebo Effects in ME that seem more like Nocebo? This post explores my experience of a Placebo controlled experiment.

How to Read a Newspaper

We read about someone who's found an instant cure from (insert Spoonie condition of your affliction) after a relatively short amount of time. This post unpacks some of our initial thoughts including:

They were never ill in the first place; They were ill but it's not true that they are now well; They can't have had what I have; It's true that they recovered but for a different reason; It's great that they found a way to get well; If I try that will it work for me? I've been ill much longer, I'd know if that works; Why have I been ill so long? It's not fair; The newspaper has got it wrong.

Resource: Guided Meditations for Alternative Pain Relief

A collection of free, guided meditations from around the web to help you cope with pain. Styles included: insight meditation, yoga nidra, seated T'ai Chi, and seated Qigong

Resource: Quick Tips for Pacing

Quick Tips for Pacing. These may be new ideas to you or simply a reminder.

Review/Resource: Variations on Pacing

A post discussing different forms of Pacing and the difficulties involved.

Is CFS Real?

Is CFS "Real"?
Tongue-in-Cheek contemplation of the un/reality of CFS.

The Enjoyment of Boredom

A reflection on the common spoonie experience of boredom.
"I was at the point where symptoms are no longer so loud as to drown out other concerns and the sensation of boredom was reaching a crescendo."

Resource: Tips for Enduring and Escaping Boredom

Tips that may enable you to cope with the boredom that accompanies spoonie life.

Am I PoTS or is it just ME?

Attempts to disentangle #PoTS and #MEcfs: Some observations from my experience of the diagnostic process.

Resource: Christian Meditation for the Chronically Ill

This post includes resources for Christians and agnostics who are chronically ill. It is split into 3 sections - one for those who are doubting or frustrated; one for those too fatigued to engage in spiritual activities and a third section of activities that require engagement.

Review: Philosophy for Health, Modern Stoicism

Does an ancient philosophy have something new to offer folk experiencing chronic illness? A spoonie review of Modern Stoicism

Resource: TV Prescription Pacing, from Laughter to Boredom

This post is the 2nd in a series on pacing. Watching TV is likely to make up more of our day than meditating. It is therefore important to get viewing habits right.

This post is my TV prescription for you, in order of importance. It is based mainly on my own observations, although you could possibly find research to back up some of it.

If Seneca Had a Heart Rate Monitor

At the moment because I've got into modern stoicism at the same time as looking into heart rate monitor pacing I'm finding that I'm sort of amalgamating these two very different approaches.

Resource: A Day of Stoicism, Stoical ME 2

Stoic Guided Meditations to be used throughout the day.